
I always wonder How it feels like to be working from home. I guess it must be amazing experience since you will always be at the comfort of your own home but at the same time you will need an abundant of motivation to get you off your seat. I know i will be bumming all day and do nothing other than watch and admire other people's credibility and success and daydreams all day that i will be half successful as they are. 

Then here i am a teacher in a not so well known or top uni. I think my uni is at the number 12 among all uni in Msia currently. Partly because it is new. I wonder what it is like Working at a top uni with creme de la creme student. What will be their style and reaction to knowledge. Do they value it or they look down on it. Do they respect their teachers or undervalue their teachers' knowledge. Will the teachers feel intimidated or proud. I know as a teacher it should not be a problem for whena student starts to challenge your knowledge just know that they are still young and we are all still learning and will always be.