

When facebook becomes my uno numero source of information. How pathetic i am. I do not want to admit to that but i am convinced 95% of my generation looks up facebook for sharing information. Which is good. All the useful sleep information and career advice, lol to that, were from facebook. I openly tell my students to go look for youtube and watch videos there, and unabashedly quoting facebook for information. It is useful because all the links leads to legit websites. Duh. 



Everything i do seems to be of learning benefit. Watching youtube videos is learning. On culture, language from native speaker, attitude and motivation of people in first world country. How efficient they are. How motivated they are and most importantly they are very authentic. They created things themselves. If we look at Blooms taxonomy had the highest order of conitive function is synthesizing. You create something with a prior knowledge of the specific things. And that is where we should be heading. Creating. Being the creator. 

My mood and motivation to stay in this job is up and down. When i have a lot of pressure from work and people i felt like not doing this. But when i feel a little relax, as today was, i want to stay in this profession. 

Now the biggest problem for me is scholarship since i really want to go study abroad i have to apply for outside scholarship. Hopefully i will. I have an interview with Nottingham people next week. I will answer whatever i have in my mind and throw a few questions to them. Lol! Don't judge. 



I always wonder How it feels like to be working from home. I guess it must be amazing experience since you will always be at the comfort of your own home but at the same time you will need an abundant of motivation to get you off your seat. I know i will be bumming all day and do nothing other than watch and admire other people's credibility and success and daydreams all day that i will be half successful as they are. 

Then here i am a teacher in a not so well known or top uni. I think my uni is at the number 12 among all uni in Msia currently. Partly because it is new. I wonder what it is like Working at a top uni with creme de la creme student. What will be their style and reaction to knowledge. Do they value it or they look down on it. Do they respect their teachers or undervalue their teachers' knowledge. Will the teachers feel intimidated or proud. I know as a teacher it should not be a problem for whena student starts to challenge your knowledge just know that they are still young and we are all still learning and will always be.